Blessings Assured – Dr. D GS Dhinakaran
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11).
After India got independence from the British rule, while forming the constitution, Mahatma Gandhi said, “You write anything in the constitution. But, I want one thing – I want every tear of every Indian to be wiped out.” That was the heart of Gandhi! In the same way, our almighty God also loves to wipe away every tear from the face of His children. The Word of God assures the goodness of God in Matthew 7:9-11 as, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!”
What good gift did the good Father in heaven send to exhibit His amazing and unfathomable love to mankind? He sent His darling Son Jesus in the form of flesh into this world to die for us. Why did Jesus come into this world in the form of human being? One preacher illustrated this way – He was walking in the street where he found a group of ants moving in a line. After the ants saw the leg of this speaker, they all thought that he is about to hurt them. Therefore, they scattered here and there regardless of his kind words. At that moment, the preacher realized, “If I am an ant, I could have easily conveyed my message.”

Beloved, this is why Jesus too came into this world in the form of flesh so that we would behold a bit of His glory! To save us from sin, sickness, curse, shame, lack and restore every blessing in its original form is His heartbeat for you. Romans 8:32 says, “He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” So, what is your need today? Ask boldly and claim all the blessing that is in store for you in His presence. You will not lack anything good because God is waiting to bless you in an unlimited and unimaginable way. Moreover, your sorrow would come to end in a glorious manner. No matter what is the reason for your tears, Jesus will wipe it away.
Loving Father,
I believe that You are a good father who gives only the best. I come before You in the name of Jesus, Your Son. You have sent the best gift Jesus for me into this world and so I know You will do the best in everything concerning my life. Lord, I submit all my needs to You. Manifest Your miracle-working power in my life. Help me to experience the depth of Your great love.
Israel is spiritually, politically, geographically and historically an important nation. Every country from the neighbouring Palestine to the United States claim a stake in it, either as a foe or friend. Above all, this is the country in which the Son of God—the Lord Jesus Christ—was born, died and resurrected 2000 years ago.
Scientifically considered as a pioneering country which has produced intellectuals of the highest order of Albert Einstein, Israel has much to be proud of, as well as much to be concerned about, in terms of its peace and security. All said and done, Israel is God’s beloved nation!
Jesus Calls Ministries, which continues to spread its wings of compassion and prayer worldwide under the anointed leadership of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has established a Prayer Tower in Jerusalem. Here are some insights about the vision and mission of the Israel Prayer Tower, and how it continues to be a symbol of hope, peace and compassion to Israel and the rest of the world.
“Often, prayer is considered as the last resort for nation building! Very few realise that the Almighty God holds the key to the blessing of every nation, its leaders, policies and strategic plans for citizens’ well-being and prosperity, both in the long-term and in the short-term.
That is why Jesus Calls Ministries continuously engages with the leadership of nations and states —just in order to pray that God’s Plan of Grace, Reconciliation and Holistic Prosperity will be accomplished in every corner of this world. We have also built a house of prayer
(Israel Prayer Tower) in the heart of Jerusalem to bring God’s blessings upon Israel and every other nation.”
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Chairman, Jesus Calls
The Bible says in the Book of II Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves
and pray…then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” This verse clearly indicates
the role of God’s children in bringing blessings to their own countries. Thus, in the eyes of God, they (YOU) are
placed in such spiritually strategic positions to transform the future of [their] nations and to bring hope, which can
only be achieved through prayer and God’s leading. This is the very basis on which that God has called His Prophet
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to establish the Israel Prayer Tower, which has a five-fold mission as follows:
1. Bringing People of All Nations together in Jerusalem for prayer and preparing nations for the Second Coming of Christ
2. Providing a deeper spiritual experience for visitors to pray in the midst of historic places of Biblical significance
3. Praying for God’s Plan to come to pass in Israel and every other nation through 24 hrs prayer and prophecy
4. Equipping people through training programs to carry the prophetic anointing back to bless their own countries
5. Offering a free and open platform for people of all nations, languages and congregations to unite and pray at the Israel
Prayer Tower
The Israel Prayer Tower serves as a center of hope and peace and welcomes people from all over the world. About
this, the founder, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran says: “We have established a Prayer Tower in the centre of Jerusalem to
pray 24 hours, prophesying God’s Plan to Kings, Nations, and Peoples of all languages. Yes, God has a plan as to
who should rule each nation, and what policies should come to that nation, and how the gospel should reach
everyone in that nation to prepare it for His Coming. According to Revelation 10: 7,11, the Lord showed me to
establish a Prayer Tower in Israel so that people can come from different nations of the world and pray in
Jerusalem; pray and prophecy God’s Plan for the nations of the world, and peace will come to Jerusalem. The
peace and righteousness shall go around the world as we pray in the Israel Prayer Tower.”