New creation! – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
God alone controls the course of our life. He determines what we should face each day. Not many of us look at life knowing this. We should face each day with the knowledge that God is in charge of everything that happens. When we have this consciousness we will automatically look to God in the morning and give the day into His hands for His blessing. We should also read the Word of God which is the Bible to hear from God about what He has to say to us concerning the day. We will be led by God into green pastures and quiet waters when we trust Him. This is way to stay out of trouble. God will protect us from seen and unseen dangers. We can be restful when we believe that God is going ahead of us and what we face is no surprise to Him. This approach will help us to keep our mind at peace. No matter we go through we will know it is from God.
Long ago, there was a man who worked as a mason. He did not know our Lord Jesus. He was planning to build a house for himself, but suddenly suffered severe heart attack. He spent all his savings for his treatment. Because of this, his debts kept piling up like a mountain. He was in a hopeless situation and started to drink. Doctors said that he should not go to work anymore. Unfortunately, his wife had to become a housemaid and his daughter had to discontinue her education. He was poverty stricken. He was rejected and dejection killed him every day. But Jesus saw his dejection and said, “I am transforming you and healing you now.” After that, his whole life changed. He gave up on alcohol and received Jesus in his heart. Jesus built his life once again.
Yes my friend, Jesus who is the chief cornerstone will build your life too. He says, “My child even if the world rejects you, I will not reject you. You will be my fellow citizen in the kingdom of God. I will build your life again and dwell with you. Receive me today.” Beloved! Receive Jesus today and build your life on Him. Always know that God makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). If He makes you humble, He will also bring you honour in His time. If we breaks you, He will also build you. You will never be in a position which God cannot change. He can make the lame walk and the blind to see. He can heal you too. He can meet your needs like how He fed Elijah sending the ravens. He can protect you like how He protected the prophets from Jezebel’s fury. He can preserve you from all harm. If you need a new life, there is just one thing that needs change and that’s you. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). So leave your old life if it is not pleasing to the Lord and become a new person. God will then do miracles for you. You will prosper once again.
Loving Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the new life I can enjoy in You. Forgive my sins and make me a new person. Thank You for this day and for Your Word that You will build my life once again. Protect me from the temptations of the world. Help me to seek You earnestly each day. Bless my day and You orchestrate my day with circumstances that will make me more prosperous. Keep me and my family safe.
In Jesus name I pray,