Jesus saves! – Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran
“…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Timothy 1:15)
The Lord Jesus was the only man who lived a sinless life. He was the only man who could have lived forever in this world. He had immortality in His blood as He was God in flesh. But the very purpose for which Jesus came down is to share the eternal life with His children. He knew that He had to take their place in order to give His life to them. So He gave himself to be crucified on the cross. It was through His death that the charges against humanity were blotted out. Today, all of us are acceptable to God if we approach Him through Jesus. We can boldly come to God’s throne through Jesus. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15) like us to make us saints by removing our stains and making us blameless before Him. The gift we enjoy is His righteousness which is freely given to us. He loves the sinner but hates sin so He took it upon Himself and became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) in order to give us His holiness.
Once a time the Jews and the Arabs were trying to capture the city of Jerusalem. At one point, the Arabian army was caught in between the two battalions of Jewish army. During that time it so happened that the Jewish army Commander of one side had to send a messenger to the commander on the other side. He was in a dilemma as to whom to send as a messenger. At that time, a little girl going to school came that way. She said, “Sir, give me that message, I’ll deliver it.” She took the letter and held on to it with a tight grip and sped along, munching on a slice of bread from the other hand and humming happily. As he passed the Arabian army, the sound of gunfire was heard. Alas! a bulled had struck and severed the hand that was carrying the letter. In her woozy state, she picked up the severed hand with her other hand and ran into the Jewish army camp on the other side. Seeing this, the army commander’s heart melted. She handed over the dismembered hand with the letter to the Commander saying, “Sir, this is the message I had to deliver to you.” The next moment she swooned and died at his feet.
The message Jesus came to give us is freedom. Freedom from the bondages of sin, sickness and satan. We no longer need to fear harm. Our sins will not bring God’s punishment on us. God only disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:6) but never punishes His children. Your sickness is not a punishment from God. His will is to heal you. He wants you delivered. He invites you to come to Him and receive His forgiveness. All you need to do is to repent of your ways and ask for His grace to lead you on the right path, keeping you away from temptations. True freedom is being free from the hold of sin and reigning in life like Jesus. This is possible through the help of the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truths (John 16:13) which is in the Word of God when you look to Him for guidance. So will you embrace the gift of Jesus and choose to walk according to the Word of God taught by the Holy Spirit?
Loving Heavenly Father,
Please forgive all my sins and fill me with the righteousness of Jesus. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me into a life of freedom in Christ. Help me to walk according to Your Word which is written in the Bible. Let me reign in life just like Jesus.
In Jesus name I pray,