Live and labour for God! – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
“Do not love the world or anything in the world.’ (1 John 2:15)
Heaven and earth will pass away, but the words of God will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). We read about a parable illustrated by Jesus where a rich man had a huge harvest. He thought to himself that he should build bigger barns and store up all the grains and goods so that he can eat, drink and be merry. But Jesus calls him a fool as that man did not know that his very life would be taken that night and all that he accumulated would not be enjoyed by him. The Lord says that is how it will be for anyone who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God (Luke 12:14-21). God honours those who labour for Him and not for themselves.
There was a city called “Pompeii” in Italy. This city was founded 2000 years ago. In those days, it was a city known for the power it wielded in Rome. When we had an opportunity to visit this old city some years back, we were thunderstruck to see the remains of old buildings, tall towers and walls made of marble, many ancient paintings and beautiful homes. Years ago, a volcano that erupted one day caused untold destruction and the rivers of molten fiery lava destroyed the whole city. In one sweep, it engulfed multitudes of people living in that city. Thus the fire devoured the palatial homes and burnt them to ashes.
Yes, my friends, this world is not permanent. How truly this verse had come to pass here. The things of the world are temporary. They appear to be beautiful but vanishes like a vapour. All things of the earth are vanity. They will all vanish in an instant. What was there yesterday vanishes today, which is a fact you will have to accept. It is true that we run after those things that are fleeting and that is why we are not able to live in peace. My beloved, lean not on the things of this world but cling on to the Lord. Focus your eyes on the eternal glory and move forward in life. Do not set your eyes on the things of the earth.
Father in heaven,
Truly the things of this world are temporary. They vanish in a moment. But Your love, oh Lord, is everlasting. Your word is eternal. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank You for the promises You have given me. Help me not to be worldly but to cling on to You. Fix my mind on things that please You and let me labour for Your glory.
In Jesus’ name I pray,